Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Islamic mentality at work since 729 AD that is out to get the infidel Hindus

A person named Sunil was attacked with scissors by Peaceful Rashid for objecting pakistan zindabad slogans in Delhi on 2019-02-25.
(Source: Presstitutes)
A very logical comment by a concerned Akshay Bhardwaj:

This isn't about Pakistan or Kashmir. This is the Islamic mentality at work since 729 AD that is out to get the infidel Hindus. Every Hindu who sings to the tune of secularism only does so because he or she is oblivious to the horror Islam has carried out on Hindus for over 8 centuries there by killing 80 million Hindus. Go read- Negationism in India: concealing the record of Islam. When Hindus were being massacred in Kashmir, the so called moderate Muslims didn't come to their rescue.

Will people ask Jews to embrace the Nazis? No. Will people ask black people to forget slavery? No. Then why should anyone ask the Hindus to forget what Muslims did to Hindus?

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